The Gerbils Adventure’s-Book 1, Chapter 2.

Chapter 2: The Chase

I ran. Then I remembered that vultures just LOVE to eat snakes so I ran out of my burrow. The vulture instantly attacked the snake. I dug a small burrow. Then I curled up and safely went to sleep. Maybe……         

I rolled around. I couldn’t sleep. When I went out my burrow for a walk my whole burrow fell. “Oh no!” I thought. Just then, I felt a raindrop hit my shoulder. “Double oh no!,” thought Daisy. Suddenly, everywhere I looked it was misty. Then I saw 2 red lights, side by side, and they appeared to be a ghost’s eyes. Just as the ghost was in sight, lightning flashed! Thunder boomed! Suddenly I noticed ghosts were all around me! “What do I do!” I said, “think,” I told myself. By now the ghosts were saying in deep growling voices ,”no escaping us now,” over and over again. “HELP!” I shouted. Suddenly my eyes shot open. A sound woke me up. “Huh?”

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