About Gerbil Hub

Hello, my name is Fabian and I am 15 years old. We owned gerbils for 8 years , and this is our 4rd year breeding!

My 12-year-old sister, Carolyn is my helper. 

We love animals and own a whole bunch, but we don’t even live on a farm 🙂

We have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a big family of Gerbils. And all those animals are getting attention, we play with them, give them treats, and lots of hugs and kisses.

How We Care for our Pets

I give my gerbils 30 minuets of attention daily and check their food and water. Most gerbils like a running wheel and something cardboard to chew on. They like pipes to play in and a nice little wooden house to sleep in. We also have 2 cats, so we have to keep our gerbils safe from them on a high shelf. We also had a rabbit that can live outside in a large hutch. 

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