The Gerbil’s Adventure’s, Book 1, Chapter 1.

By Solenne Hopstaken (age 7)

Chapter 1:
The Discovery of the Snake

My name is Daisy and I’m a gerbil. One day I was bringing a mouth full of seeds to a little room in my burrow where ALL my food was. I jumped into a tunnel that led there, when A TON of sand fell . I did it just in time, for, it was about to have a entrance full of sand. When all the shifting and falling sand ended, I heard slithering and hissing.

When I looked at the wall of sand, I saw a snake’s tail and then it disappeared in the sand. Slowly the hissing and slithering faded away. Why did that just happen and why is there a snake in my burrow now? (sighs)

So, I just dug my way out after I put my seeds with the rest of my food. “Oh No!” I thought. There was a big vulture circling above me in the sky, so I ran quickly back in the hole I made to get to the surface of the desert.

But it sounded like the snake was in the tunnel right NEXT to the room I was in! Before I knew it , the snake bashed through the wall and began to chase me.

For more, see Chapter 2: The Chase and the Dream.

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