Check out our current breeding pairs, and see their status! Will be updated every time we pair a new couple.

Quincy and Cinnamon
Quincy is the male, on the left. (Blue)
Cinnamon is the female on the right. (Nutmeg)
Status: 5 babies born on June 14. 2 females and 3 males.
5 different colors!
Updated: 24/7

Petunia & Jerry
Petunia is our black mom
Jerry is a mottled grey Agouti
6 babies were born on June 6.
2 black
3 black/white mottled
1 Agouti mottled

Smokey & Jerry
Smokey, is the female. (Burmese)
Jerry, is male. (Mottled Grey Agouti)
Status: 5 babies born on July 20th