Bringing your first gerbils home requires some preparation.
We will provide you with a list of items that you will need:
The below silent spinner is really SILENT and spins very easy. Problem is that it comes from China, so delivery takes 3 to 4 weeks. I own metal mesh wire wheels, but they are a bit dangerous and Kaytee’s silent spinners stop running smooth after a while. Then I also have a cheap plastic wheel, but that one is the noisiest of all. The one featured here is the BIG winner!
A wooden hide-out is a great option. Also they NEED to chew, so this house provides nice wood to chew on at the same time.
These water bottles are chew proof and made from glass. I use a metal hanger to hang them from the side of the tank. That works well.
Gerbil Hub is our website about our gerbils. We have a whole bunch of them and we love them. They are fun to watch, play with and very easy to keep. Contact us for information. We are located in Redding, CT.