Gerbil DIY Crafts Projects
Gerbils will also need some toys to play with and make sure that their teeth can wear out. You can get most of these materials at a store like The Home Depot even!!! A PVC pipe will even pass as a really good toy! They might sharpen their teeth on it, but it is too hard to destroy or eat.
Gerbil Project 1: Build a Wall
- Round wooden sticks
- Metal flexible wire
Project 1 can be used to make walls for bedding or bridges. You can see it in the middle of the page.
Some fun gerbil crafts that you can do is that you buy 2 long wooden sticks (MAKE SURE THAT THE WOOD IS UNTREATED!!!) like this one (left). You can get these at Home Depot. They don’t have to be really thick, but too thin is not good because it will be to hard to do a later step.

You also need metal wire, try to get 10 lbs. at least. You can also get this at Home Depot.
Getting Started… First you saw the wooden rolls in to desired height of the wall or the with of the bridge. Then you use sandpaper to make the ends of the wood pieces smooth and then you drill small holes on the front and back of the wood and weave the wire in the holes.
Gerbil Project 2: The Wooden Fort
- Popsicle sticks
- Tacky glue

BE CREATIVE!!! Your fort does not have to look just like mine! just make sure that you do not use too much glue, that cannot be good for the gerbils.
We use wood glue for these projects. In general the gerbils eat the wooden sticks where they are not glued together.
Gerbil Project 3: The Walnut Hanging Toy
- Walnut halves (or egg carton pieces for the cups)
- String
- Popsicle sticks
- Some tools: drill, pliers, scissors
This is an idea from Clarence and he approved me to share it here on my website. I thought that this is a brilliant idea to entertain gerbils while providing a good snack to them.
We figured that if you cannot walnut halves, you could use egg carton pieces for the cups. But of course it will be less durable.
If you have any other ideas, feel free to comment below.
Clarence would like to receive completed projects tweeted to: @WhoisClarence_